Track Market Development

Markets Information

In any power system, a balance must be struck at all times between generation of and demand for electricity. Changes in demand and disturbances at generation units affect the system balance and cause grid frequency deviations. Energinet buys ancillary services to ensure access at all times to such resources as are necessary to ensure the stable and reliable electricity system operation.

The Markets page let's you explore market prices for given reserves and price zones.

  • Availability prices for primary frequency regulation in DK2:
  • Availability prices for primary frequency regulation in DK1:
  • Spot- and regulating power prices (DK1 and DK2):

Frequency Containment Reserve - Primary Reserve, DK1 (FCR)

In the event of frequency deviations, the primary reserve regulation must ensure that the balance between generation and demand is restored, stabilising the frequency at close to 50 Hz. Hydrogen

Frequency-Controlled Normal Operation Reserve, DK2 (FCR-N)

In the event of frequency deviations, the frequency-controlled normal operation reserve ensures that the equilibrium between generation and demand is restored, keeping the frequency close to 50 Hz.

Frequency-Controlled Disturbance Reserve, DK2 (FCR-D)

In the event of major system disturbances, the frequency-controlled disturbance reserve is an automatic upward regulation, fast reserve used for regulating the frequency following substantial frequency drops resulting from the outage of major generation units or lines.

Contact Us

We support your organisation in the effort to reach 100% renewable energy

Martin Gram
Martin Gram

Head of Business Development

+45 50 30 16 50

Rasmus Rode Mosbæk
Rasmus Rode Mosbæk

CEO & Founder

+45 31 270 300